Thursday, 22 September 2011

An Unstable Life !!

An Unstable Life !!

Why always him and why not her ?
Why always lies and why not truth ?
Why always failure and why not success ?
Why always compromise and why not confront ?
Why always hate and why not love ?

Why always evil and why not innocent ?
Why always fight and why not peace ?
Why always darker side and why not the brighter side ?
Why always cry and why not laugh ?
Why not enjoy life and live in sorrow ?
Why only dream which remains unfulfilled ?

Why did this happen to me ?
Why was I the only one ?
One question and we don’t have the answer: WHY ??
Who has got a shoulder for me, when am about to breakdown ?
Don’t you think life is so killing ?

Lucky are those whose dreams fulfill,
And others with tears in their eyes !!