Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
ए खुदा
ए खुदा
बस याद किया और पाया आपको |
कभी शिकायत का मौका ही न दिया ,
इतना आपने हमसे प्यार किया |
कैसे करे शुक्रिया ..?
जितना झुकू कम पड़े ए खुदा,
माता पिता से ज्यादा आपका आदर किया ...|
हर पल थे आप मेरे साथ ,
जब भी ज़रुरत पड़ी ,
थमा आपने मेरा हाथ |
कभी न थे आप हमसे खफा ,
ज़ल्ज़लूँ में भी पास बैठे हर समां |
थे जब हम अकेले ,
सहारा दिया कंधो के टेल |
उल्झानोको सुलझाया ,
चुटकी में हमे मुस्कुराया |
आपने हमे हँसाया,
जब भी किसीने रुलाया |
जीना आपने सिखाया ,
बनके मेरी छाया |
माँगा जो भी हमने ,
दिया आपने सब कुछ पल में |
बस साथ रहना हमेशा ए खुदा ,
क्योंकि आगे खोना हे ज्यादा , पाना कहा !!!
कमज़ोर न पड़ने देना हमें ,
इतनी शाख्ती देना हमें |
खुश रखना उनको खुदा ,
जिनको चाहते हे हम दिलो जान ...
कभी न छोड़ो उनका हाथ ,
क्योंकि हम न रह पाएंगे उनके साथ |
उम्र थो हमारी उनको दीजिये ,
थोड़े वोह जिद्दी हे , पर माफ़ ज़रूर कीजिये ,
ए खुदा , इतना आपसे गुजारिश |
लिखनेवाली :- आद्रिका राइ
Karkala, Karnataka, India
हर पल पावू आपको ...
हर पल पावू आपको ...
चेहरा जो आपका ,
दिखे हमे हर जगा |
आँखें जब बंद करे ,
सामने खड़े मिले आप |
दिखे हमे हर जगा |
आँखें जब बंद करे ,
सामने खड़े मिले आप |
सपने देखे हर समय |
ये न जानते हुए ,
बुनियाद ही लड़खड़ाते हुए |
प्यार करते हे हम इतना ,
न मिलने की गुंजाइश लिए |
रब से बात करते हे थो ,
सिर्फ आपके बारे में |
बसे हे आप मुझमे ...
मेरे खायालूँ में |
क्या करे रब्बा ,
उनमे आपको पाते हे ...
क्या करे रब्बा ,
उनमे आपको पाते हे ...
लिखनेवाली :- आद्रिका राइ
Karkala, Karnataka, India
Bus bus bus,
Full of rush.
When it’s urgent to go,
We thank at last i got a bus to go...
But not always same;
When we wait for bus more.
We lose our patience to store,
Scold & bang in mind more & more...
If bus is rush
A touch from boy to girl
Is a slap to him,
On sweet cheek like
Crow kiss on cheek on his face.
But it’s fair on guys,
If it’s unfair on girls.
If same touch from girl to boy,
Boy be decent,
To avoid such conflicts. Because even it’s fair on boys, People shouts on support for crow like crows....
Seating in bus like,
Hot of class bench,
Or soft like pillow,
Lets enjoy it, never then it’s our money at all...
But why those 4 seats,
Always reserved for ladies.
May be to get cool from behind,
Through mirror of driver,
With gear box a side makes hot all day
With cool behind need him to take that hot whole day...
But what about last seat, A seat for exercise machine to body. A seat on last starts, Jumping from high to long, With bumps on head if jumps are more... But enjoyment on bus is nothing more, Then any other else. With exam go tuff we sleep in bus, Those windows to be shoulders For feelings always... With window opened to see Some creative things smile away... When friends go down we give smile & TATA With over turn comes we just think This happy day with friend Hope it’s come day by day....
Penned By :- Dhananjay Kumar
Karkala, Karnataka, India
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Who hurts you more...?
Who hurts you more...?
Tear drop from your friend's eyes,
Makes you tear thrice.
So who hurts you more,
Your friend or enemy...?
When you have a fight,
your victory says you've lost.
Though you win or lose,
you are the loser for sure.
So who hurts you more,Your friend or enemy...?
When friends walk apart, its like,
You've lost a wheel of a cart.
Their memories is that knife,
Which hurts you throughout your life.
So who hurts you more,
Your friend or enemy...?
Your friend is valued the most,
When enemy is a neglected ghost.
A friend's silence irritates a lot,
When enemy's makes you laugh.
So who hurts you more,
Your friend or enemy...?
Written by :- Ranjitha Hegde.R
Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
Sunday, 4 December 2011
I’m fine, I’m great. Is a way
I relish every night, and I live every day.
I live, I laugh,
I wonder what my new days will bring.
Then I go home
and so I lie Down,
and wait patiently for the day that I die.
I cry, I scream, I bawl, and sleep,
I wait, and wonder, and cry some more,
And I ache and burn from my very core.
Then, I’m not alone,
and so I lie Down,
and wait patiently for the day that I die.
I cry, I scream, I bawl, and sleep,
I wait, and wonder, and cry some more,
And I ache and burn from my very core.
Then, I’m not alone,
Out goes the grief, pain and all of the tears,
As I am a happy person, cheerful all the day.
As I am a happy person, cheerful all the day.
Of course I’m not okay, I’m not fine,
No matter how much I seem to shine.
I don’t even know why I feel this...
Why my existence is one long, endless abyss.
As one day I might slip, and end it with a knife.
But, I’m still here, no matter what my dreams might say
And I hope that one day I will actually be okay.
Penned by :- ●๋• míکbáh
No matter how much I seem to shine.
I don’t even know why I feel this...
Why my existence is one long, endless abyss.
As one day I might slip, and end it with a knife.
But, I’m still here, no matter what my dreams might say
And I hope that one day I will actually be okay.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
प्यार की एक कहानी ...
प्यार की एक कहानी ...
प्यार की कहानी हे ये कुछ ख़ास ,
छोटी सी पर हे ये मज़ेदार ,
मेरे लिए हे ये बोहोत ख़ास ,
जीवन का सबसे अनोखा एहसास |
शायद किस्मत से हम मिले ,
मिले तोह मिले ,सिर्फ एक शर्त के लिए ,
चाहा हमको फसाने के लिए ,
पर खुद फस गए हमारे प्यार में |
छोटी सी पर हे ये मज़ेदार ,
मेरे लिए हे ये बोहोत ख़ास ,
जीवन का सबसे अनोखा एहसास |
शायद किस्मत से हम मिले ,
मिले तोह मिले ,सिर्फ एक शर्त के लिए ,
चाहा हमको फसाने के लिए ,
पर खुद फस गए हमारे प्यार में |
प्यार करना आपके दाए हाथ का खेल था ,
वोह सिर्फ आप के लिए एक मजाक था ,
मेरे लिए भी ये बेकार था ,
बस दोनों के खिलाफ था |
वोह सिर्फ आप के लिए एक मजाक था ,
मेरे लिए भी ये बेकार था ,
बस दोनों के खिलाफ था |
फिर बेशर्मो जैसे प्रोपोसे किया ,
प्यार का झूठा नाटक किया ,
बदले में सिर्फ इनकार मिला |
आखिर में कर बैठे हमसे प्यार ,
क्या पाया हम में आपने इतना ख़ास ?
इनकार करने के बावजूद बार बार ,
करते रहे हमसे प्यार बेशुमार |
मिट गए दूरियाँ ,
मिलते रहे , बढ़ गयी नज़दीकियाँ ,
भुला दिया आपने सब कुछ ,
सिर्फ मेरे लिए , हम ने ये जान लिया |
कैसे बदल गए हालात ,
धीरे धीरे उमड़ आई विश्वास ,
प्यार से दूर भागते थे दोनों ,
पर अब रहना चाहे साथ साथ |
अब सिर्फ हे इंतज़ार ,
कब ले जायेंगे हमें आप ,
रहना चाहू मैं हर पल ,
सिर्फ और सिर्फ आपके साथ !
जीयु हर दम आपके लिए ,
ख़ुशी और घम हम बाँटते चले ,
वादा रहा , छोडूंगी न आपका साथ ,
रहूंगी मरते दम तक आपके साथ ... |
लिखनेवाली :- आद्रिका राइ .
Karkala, Karnataka, India
What is Love... ?!!!
What is LOVE…?
Love… It is a word which is familiar to whole world. Every individual has his own perspective on this concept. Most say it is hard to answer a question –“What is love?”, because love is an inexpressible feeling.
When you say a word love, first imagination that comes in the mind of most youths is his/her dream girl/boy whom they expect to be their life

To say about my opinion on love –“The term love is used on that person whom we like so much, that we feel, just a term ‘like’ is not worth to be used for him/her.”. It is necessary that the one whom we love be in our life till our last breath, but not necessarily as our life partner. Suppose one wish that his/her love should take a place of his/her life partner, then that love can be said as an erotic love in most cases.
May be everyone don’t agree with my opinion. But this is what came to my mind when I thought about this concept. These are few words of my mind which may not match with yours. But if you think about it, for sure neither you will feel you are not in love nor you will feel that you are not loved.
Written By :- Ranjitha Hegde.R
Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
Friendship and Love
Friendship and Love
I met her when I was teen,
She accepted my friendship even if I was mean,
We shared even a very tiny thing,
I am just like a bird and she is my wing.
Then I met a girl who was very simple,
I fell in love and called her angel,
She cares, loves and respect me a lot,
I pray that I lose her not.
I fell in love and called her angel,
She cares, loves and respect me a lot,
I pray that I lose her not.
I ignored my friend for my love sake,
My friend couldn't bare such a behaviour,
Day by day the problem got sevier.
My friend and love equally they stand,
I dont know how to make them understand,
One is heart and other is soul,
Without them I am not whole.
I wish I would never fall in situation,
Where friend and love between whom I have to make selection,
Such a demand is a death call,
Life without heart and soul is waste after all...:)
Written By :- Giridhar Pai
Karkala, Karnataka, India
Friday, 18 November 2011
Suggest me
Suggest me
But we have no idea what is its fear.
There is nothing particular in our thoughts,

Mind seems to be blank,
For it isn't in a state that is sheer, but,
Is in a state formed by a mixture of emotions,
Mixture of several situations and reasons.
And we have no idea...
What exactly is its fear.
When our heart is such state's carrier,
Irritation is what we feel,
Peculiarity is what we show,
Self conversation becomes our desperate need,
Being alone is what we prefer.
But reson for fear remains unknown forever.
Suggest me my friends...
What shall one call such situation as?!!!
Written By :- Ranjitha Hegde.R
Moodabidri, Karnataka, India
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Listening to the song of the waves
My arm linked with yours,
Gentle breeze kissing your hair
I was smiling to myself
I was happy, as I ever could be,
My heart was filled with love for you
And I feared it would burst any moment !
I looked at you and you smiled
But your eyes were indifferent
I looked down and saw your footprints beside mine
I looked at you again, you weren’t near !
You are away, in some distant place
And I was walking alone
I heard my heart thudding painfully
Pinning, even in that hour of regret !
It’s time for me to return
I don’t know how to search for you
I couldn’t know you, how you were !
May be it shouldn’t have been you,
May be your memories are better than you
They don’t desert me even for a while
With me they rejoice, with me they lament !
Penned by :- ●๋•míکbáh
Saturday, 12 November 2011
ये राह ...
ये राह ...
में चलती रही अनजान रस्ते ,
न खबर कहा किस मंजिल ,
बस चलती रही ,
कदम लड़खड़ाते ....
सूनी सूनी सी रहे ,
खोया खोया सा ये मन ,
दर्द भरा ये आचल ,
अकेली थी हर पल ...
ख़ामोशी से भरा ,
ये सुनसान जगा ,
दिल बेचैनी से भरा ,
ढूँढती , कहा हे मंजिल मेरा ?
पहुंची एक जगा ,
काँटों से भरा ,
खड़ी दो रास्तो के बीच ,
सोचती रही ,-" जाऊ में कहा ? "
रोक के अपनी आसू ,
चल पड़ी एक रस्ते ,
न जानते कहा पोहुचूंगी
बस चल पड़ी उपरवाले के भरोसे |
मिले कई लोग राह में ,
किसपे भरोसा करू ?
अपनी राह खुद बनाते चल पड़ी ,
क्या पता कोई छोड़े दामन बीच रस्ते ?
पहले से ही टूट चुकी हूँ ,
अब न सह सकूंगी ज्यादा ,
नफरत हे इस ज़िन्दगी से ,
कितना रुलाएगा सताते सताते ?
लिखनेवाली :- आद्रिका राइ .
Karkala, Karnataka, India
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